Year XIV, n°45, May – August 2024 § DISRUPTING LATENT SPACE

Year XIV, n°45, May – August 2024
Artificial intelligences and artistic practices
curated by Marie Moïse, Chiara Organtini and Giulia Grechi

edited by Paola Bommarito, Matilde De Feo and Giacomo Tufano

How can AI foster the emergence of new forms of artistic expression and interaction with the public? What are the margins of creative action that see AI used, on one hand, as a tool at the service of the artist, and on the other, as an ally capable of favoring imaginative processes and assuming a central role in the authorial process of co-creation? And how can art contribute to questioning and problematizing the processes, mechanisms, purposes, and limits of generative artificial intelligence, both from a technical and ethical, political, cultural, and aesthetic point of view?

The issue of roots§routes magazine aims to explore the challenges, opportunities, implications, and potentials of using generative artificial intelligence in contemporary, performative art and in communicative processes related to the cultural context. We are interested in receiving proposals for contributions that explore this theme from various perspectives, including:

AI as a production tool at the service of the artist. Techniques for guiding and influencing AI production through the use of sophisticated and intentional prompts (prompt engineering).

Human/machine interaction in creative processes. The use of artificial intelligence in creating visual, auditory, or multimedia artworks and in text production. Analysis of how AI can expand the options available to the artist, creating works that can transcend traditional artistic experience.

Artist Agency vs. System Agency. We seek studies investigating the relationship between the artist’s creativity and the generative capabilities of machines. Where is the line drawn between human input and machine autonomy?

Co-Creativity and Co-Authorship. How is co-authorship defined in a work of art generated in collaboration with AI? We examine the dynamics of collaboration and the ethical implications in artistic co-creation.

The challenges and opportunities for criticism, curating, enjoyment, and enhancement of art and generative artificial intelligence. As Lev Manovich suggested, “AI can be used to analyze, classify, and organize large quantities of visual, auditory, and textual data.” How can this influence the way we study, exhibit, enjoy, and appreciate art? What new skills and responsibilities are required of critics, curators, audiences, and art promoters?

The text has been processed through a collaborative writing process with ChatGPT

[promp] write a call for papers for the visual studies journal “roots§routes”. The research focus is on how artificial intelligences can be utilized in artistic practice. The articles should consider: AI as a tool at the service of the artist in a process governed by Prompt Engineering; AI as a tool that facilitates imaginative processes; the agency of the artist relative to that of the LLM; co-creativity and co-authorship in the generative process.